Hosted SMS Text Messaging
Enable our SMS Messaging Service on your existing voice numbers.
The ability to send and receive SMS text messages expands your reach to customers and prospects alike. However, many voice providers do not offer messaging services. With Calldrip's Hosted SMS Messaging, you can continue with your current numbers and voice provider while expanding your customer reach through best-in-class text messaging.
Hosted SMS Text Messaging enables:
- Text messaging capability to a your existing voice-enabled numbers and landlines.
- Consistent branding with a single unified number for communications with your customers
- Seamless text messaging activation, no interruption to your current service
- It's included in every Calldrip plan, just uses allotted texts within your current plan.
We've leveraged our vast telecom experience to develop this new text messaging service. For more than 10 years Calldrip has been dedicated to helping businesses respond immediately to new inquiries. This new service expands our suite of sales automation tools deployed to thousands of customers worldwide.
See how our Hosted SMS Messaging service can help your business expand channels of engagement. Just submit the form and we'll be in touch >>
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Calldrip is the single most effective tool to come out since I started in Internet Sales back in 1998! It has such a huge effect on response times that the 'WOW' factor from customers always brings a smile to my face. I smile even more when I see my appointment, show, and closing ratios skyrocket. Calldrip also helps me to cut out my competition by starting a dialogue before most CRMs can even process the lead! I highly and confidently recommend CallDrip to anyone except my competition!
Thousands of companies use Calldrip for automating lead follow-up, tracking calls, and coaching their sales teams.