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Sales (9)

Are your voicemails generating a callback? Actually, that’s not really the point.

Image of Michelle Farnsworth
Michelle Farnsworth

In the old days, voicemail was the only way for the party receiving the call to know who it came from. These days, an unanswered call gets followed by a text message, asking for a call back.

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10 Ways To Win Over Skeptical Prospects

Image of Michelle Farnsworth
Michelle Farnsworth

Buyers are inherently skeptical — anyone who has been in sales for any length of time surely knows this. And indeed, buyers should be skeptical. They are responsible for protecting the interests of the company they work for, and you, the sales representative, are an unknown quantity. Here are actions a salesperson can take to overcome skepticism, to win buyers over as quickly as possible.

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The Importance of Follow Up for Sales

Image of Michelle Farnsworth
Michelle Farnsworth


Let’s begin with a simple, yet profound, question. How much time and effort, if any, do you put into following up with leads when they come in?

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Top 10 Ways To Stay Motivated In Sales

Image of Michelle Farnsworth
Michelle Farnsworth

Staying motivated in sales isn't easy. In this post, you'll learn 10 great ways to stay motivated as a salesperson.

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Six Ways to Stop Leads From Getting Lost in the ‘Prospect Haystack’

Image of Michelle Farnsworth
Michelle Farnsworth


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3 Surprising Sales Mistakes: Are You Guilty?

Image of Brock Jackson
Brock Jackson

Sales leaders often fall into the all-to-common trap of neglecting sales leads. Often unintentionally, sales professionals have the habit of focusing all their attention on larger or later stage deals. While not an inherently bad thing, this greater-focus usually comes at the expense of new leads, or leads just beginning to move through the sales cycle. By neglecting these “fresh” leads, your not only hurting your long-term pipeline, but you could also be hurting your company’s image. Even the best sales teams often make mistakes when it comes to properly handling leads. Regardless of industry, if your team is guilty of any of these simple mistakes, a loss of revenue can occur. Here are the 3 common mistakes your company could be making:

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