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How an Automated Virtual Receptionist Can Save You Thousands

Image of Pam Georgiana
Pam Georgiana

In this new world of remote work and global business opportunities, it is important to remember that extraordinary customer service is still critical to converting leads to customers. Without the traditional face-to-face conversations and free lunches used in the past by sales professionals to make a sale, the new generation relies on the efficiencies of tech to wow customers. An automated virtual receptionist not only provides timely customer service but can also be personalized to create that connection with a lead.  Let's explore exactly what an automated virtual receptionist can do for you.

An automated virtual answering system or Interactive Voice Response (IVR) handles your inbound calls just like an in-house receptionist would. You can rely on a virtual receptionist for tasks like answering incoming calls, tracking and directing calls to the correct team, and taking and responding to messages. Virtual receptionists allow you to work from anywhere and at any time. You will not have to worry about lost or mishandled calls. These automated services can improve your overall customer service, while freeing up your sales team to focus on actually selling.

Are you ready for an automated virtual receptionist? Let's look closer at the benefits:

Work from Anywhere

Remote work is not going away, even when COVID does. A virtual receptionist allows your team to use the system from any location. The Calldrip intelligent routing technology seamlessly connects any phone number to a cloud-based IVR or Call Bridge. Every call will be routed to the correct team, regardless of the physical location of the caller or the recipient.

The Receptionist is Always in

While a human receptionist needs a break now and then, the Calldrip virtual receptionist is available 24/7, covering every time zone.  Your sales team will never miss a call - and your prospects will never spend 10 minutes waiting on the line.

Configured to Your Needs

A virtual receptionist is often a potential customer's first experience with your brand. With Calldrip, there is no risk of messaging errors because you create a customizable greeting reflecting your brand. Calls will be routed based on your specified procedural needs. This includes team assignments, schedules, and team configurations. 

The ROI is Outstanding

The benefits of an automated virtual receptionist far outweigh the cost. But even so, there are no additional expenses for the Calldrip cloud-based system. It is fully integrated into the Calldrip product suite, and setup is free. There are no extra hardware or training costs charged.  You may actually save money in payroll and other resources with Calldrip.

Calldrip's products allow your sales team to engage with leads wherever they are, respond to sales inquiries quickly and easily, track and measure sales efforts for ROI, collect customer reviews, and coach colleagues to work more efficiently and effectively. 

The automated virtual receptionist is one of the key features of the Calldrip product line-up, because it helps sales teams get their jobs done. If you’re already a Calldrip customer, talk with your Customer Success Manager about activating IVR

If you’re just starting to explore Calldrip, know that our all-inclusive suite of tools is a smart investment into your company's future.

After all, companies that respond to leads within five minutes are 100 times more likely to make the sale than companies that respond within 30 minutes. Calldrip's flagship product, our rapid lead response software, helps your team be the first to call a lead at just the right moment. 

See for yourself. For more information or a demo, please click here.

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