See How One Dealership Booked 33% More Appointments with AI

Discover how an AI sales assistant helped one dealership convert more than 30% of after-hours leads to appointments.

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With this free case study, you'll see how to:

  • Transform Lead Response: Calldrip's AI Sales Assistant helped a leading dealership turn after-hours and holiday inquiries into sales opportunities, boosting appointment bookings by 33%.
  • Gain a Competitive Edge: 24/7 speed to lead can give your dealership a significant advantage by engaging customers before competitors.
  • See Proven Results: AI technology can revolutionize lead nurturing, with real-world examples of improved response times and conversion rates.

They beat their competitors and boosted appointments set - and you can, too! Get the case study to see how.

Calldrip Case Study  AI Sales Assistant - Smaller

Ready to elevate your sales strategy?

Download our case study to see how integrating AI Sales Assistants can change the game for your dealership's sales - even while you're sleeping!